For fellows in pursuit of life’s little pleasures, present them with The Dandy Pocket Square - offered with Penhaligon's The Dandy (100 ML) acquisition. Complimentary samples with min 1000 RON orders Receive a white leather pouch with min 1250 RON Private Blend acquisitions from Tom Ford Complimentary 30% off every Grown Alchemist obsession you have For fellows in pursuit of life’s little pleasures, present them with The Dandy Pocket Square - offered with Penhaligon's The Dandy (100 ML) acquisition. Complimentary samples with min 1000 RON orders Receive a white leather pouch with min 1250 RON Private Blend acquisitions from Tom Ford Complimentary 30% off every Grown Alchemist obsession you have For fellows in pursuit of life’s little pleasures, present them with The Dandy Pocket Square - offered with Penhaligon's The Dandy (100 ML) acquisition. Complimentary samples with min 1000 RON orders Receive a white leather pouch with min 1250 RON Private Blend acquisitions from Tom Ford Complimentary 30% off every Grown Alchemist obsession you have For fellows in pursuit of life’s little pleasures, present them with The Dandy Pocket Square - offered with Penhaligon's The Dandy (100 ML) acquisition. Complimentary samples with min 1000 RON orders Receive a white leather pouch with min 1250 RON Private Blend acquisitions from Tom Ford Complimentary 30% off every Grown Alchemist obsession you have

  • ro
  • en

Obsentum Royals Terms And Conditions

Last update: January 2023



The organizer of this Loyalty Program is the company Millenium Pro Design, based in Otopeni, Ilfov, Str, Sulfinei, nr 3, with S.R.C. RO 13434907, registration number in the Trade Register J40/9300/2000.


This program is a system created by the Organizer in order to increase the loyalty of individual customers by granting advantages following purchases in Obsentum stores, through the Obsentum card.

The Obsentum card is offered to any customer, when making the first purchase in Obsentum stores. The customer is obliged to present the card at each transaction in order to have his/her purchases recorded.

Through the Obsentum card, customers can earn loyalty points for every transaction made in Obsentum stores, as follows:

  • for transactions made in RON, 5 RON = 1 LOYALTY POINT
  • for transactions made in EURO, 1 EURO = 1 LOYALTY POINT

Depending on the loyalty points earned, Obsentum cardholders can enjoy a number of benefits, such as:

  1. Clubs Level: When accumulating 1 - 499 loyalty points, holders can benefit from:

    • Direct communication via NL/SMS/Whatsapp regarding personalised offers throughout the year, according to the marketing policy of the Organiser
    • Early access to new products (private session with Obsentum brand ambassador)
    • Discount voucher -10%
  2. Spades Level: When accumulating 500 to 2499 loyalty points, the holders can benefit from:

    • Direct communication via NL/SMS/Whatsapp regarding personalised offers throughout the year, according to the marketing policy of the Organiser
    • 5% discount on every purchase in store or online
    • Early access to new products (private session with Obsentum brand ambassador)
    • Discount voucher -10%, single use for a purchase in Obsentum stores or online. The 10% discount can be cumulated with the level discount.
  3. Hearts Level: When accumulating 2500 to 4999 loyalty points, the holders can benefit from:

    • Direct communication via NL/SMS/Whatsapp regarding personalised offers throughout the year, according to the marketing policy of the Organiser
    • 10% discount on every purchase in store or online
    • Early access to new products (private session with Obsentum brand ambassador)
    • Discount voucher -10%, single use for a purchase in Obsentum stores or online. The 10% discount can be cumulated with the level discount.
    • Voucher of 10 euro, single use for one purchase in Obsentum stores or online. The voucher of 10 euro can be cumulated with the level voucher.
    • Birthday gift - The owner of the card will receive a text message or will be contacted by the persons in charge to say how he wants to take possession of the gift, pick up from the store or delivery to an address indicated by him.
    • Deluxe sample box gift - gift box with mix of samples from different brands, single use card.
  4. Diamonds Level: When accumulating 5000 loyalty points or more than 5000 points, the holders can benefit from:

    • Direct communication via NL/SMS/Whatsapp regarding personalised offers throughout the year, according to the marketing policy of the Organiser
    • 20% discount on every purchase in store or online
    • Early access to new products- private session with Obsentum ambassador brand
    • Discount voucher -10%, single use for a purchase in Obsentum stores or online. The 10% discount can be cumulated with the level discount.
    • The voucher of 20 euro, single for one purchase in Obsentum stores or online. The voucher of 20 euro can be cumulated with the level voucher.
    • Birthday gift - The owner of the card will receive a text message or will be contacted by the persons in charge to say how he wants to take possession of the gift, pick up from the store or delivery to an address indicated by him.
    • Deluxe sample box gift - gift box with mix of samples from different brands, single use card.
    • Exclusive access to events organised by the loyalty program organiser (events organised in Obsentum stores or outside).
    • Invite a friend - The card holder can invite a friend into the store to enjoy the Obsentum experience, giving them the same level discount they have with one-time use. The friend gets 20% discount, single use. It is not necessary for the cardholder to be present, he/she can send the QR code of the voucher he/she receives by email to the invited friend.


Any person over 18 years of age who has full legal capacity can join the "Obsentum Club" loyalty program.

The Obsentum Loyalty Card is issued free of charge to any individual who purchases products from any Obsentum store in Romania, under the conditions specified above. By enrolling in this Loyalty Program, customers express their acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Program and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of these Rules.

The card is non-transferable and the Organizer's representatives have the right to check its validity. The Obsentum Loyalty Card is granted to the customer after the written Registration Form has been completed and submitted in Obsentum stores. All the information marked with (*) in the form is mandatory, failure to provide this information will make it impossible for the Organizer to register the customer in the "Obsentum Club" Loyalty Program. Customers are informed that without filling all data correctly and legibly, it will not be possible to register in the Obsentum Club Loyalty Program. The organizer has the right, and the customers are aware of this, to change at any time the way the card is offered, the changes being valid only for the future.

The loyalty card entitles the holder, upon presentation, to accumulate points when making a transaction in any Obsentum store. The points earned cannot be transferred to another customer or exchanged for cash or products. Membership in the Loyalty Program allows the cardholder to accumulate 1 point in his/her account for every transaction for which he/she presents the Obsentum Loyalty Card, for 5 lei or 1 euro spent.

The Obsentum Loyalty Card is not a payment instrument. The holder cannot purchase products with this card, but can only benefit from the privileges offered by the Organizer according to these Rules.


If the Obsentum Loyalty Card is lost, stolen or damaged, the participant is entitled to a new card. The organiser has the right to check whether or not the replacement is duly justified.


This "Obsentum Club" Loyalty Program shall run for an indefinite period of time, the Organizer having the right to unilaterally and with immediate effect, modify, suspend or terminate it, at its discretion, without prior notice. In any of these cases, the members of the Program will not have the right to make any kind of objection against the action taken by the MILLENIUM PRO DESIGN SRL. organizer, for any reason. No amendment, suspension or termination shall entitle a member or customer to claim compensation or damages of any kind. An updated version of the "Obsentum Club" Loyalty Program Rules is permanently available in the Organizer's shops. Members of the "Obsentum Club" Loyalty Program are invited to periodically check the provisions of the Rules.

The organizer is exonerated from any liability for all the direct or indirect consequences of possible malfunctions of the Obsentum Club Loyalty Program. However, the organizer will make every effort so that, in case of malfunctions, members can benefit from the points accumulated up to that moment.


This privacy policy describes what types of personal data we process in relation to you, how we use that data, what your choices are in relation to such processing, and how we respect your rights as a data subject under personal data protection legislation, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR").

Throughout this Privacy Policy, the terms personal data, controller, processing, basis of processing, purpose of processing, data subjects shall have the meaning given by the GDPR.

  1. Who is responsible for data processing?

    Millenium Pro Design SRL, as the organizer of this loyalty program, is the controller of the personal data of "Obsentum Club" members.

    For the processing of personal data, the company has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can be contacted using the following contact details:

    Data protection officer: Oana Preda

    Address: Str. Sulfinei no.3, Otopeni, Ilfov county

    E-mail: [email protected]

  2. What data do we process?

    We process the following personal data:

    Data you provide us directly When you join the "Obsentum Club" and get the Obsentum Loyalty Card, you have to provide us with the following data: last name, first name, date of birth, e-mail address, mobile phone number, mailing address and gender.
    Data collected or generated by Us as a result of your interaction with Us In addition to the personal information you provide when registering as an Obsentum Club member, our systems automatically collect a variety of information that helps us better understand your interaction with our products and services and how we can improve our products and services to you. This data includes the mac of the equipment with which you access the Obsentum in-store wi-fi network and the time you are in our stores.
  3. Why do we process your personal data?

    In the following we will inform you about the purposes for which we collect and process your personal data, as well as about the legal basis for data processing

    Joining the "Obsentum Club"”

    We process data in the context of registering as a member of the "Obsentum Club" and obtaining the card.

    Legal basis: conclusion and performance of the agreement

    Obsentum" club member relationship management and support services

    We process a range of personal data in order to manage relationships with club members in relation to various aspects of the products and services provided by the Company, to improve the products and services provided, and to keep an accurate picture of the development of the club.

    Also, as part of the club customer support and relationship management services, we may be contacted or may contact club members by telephone.

    It is possible that some telephone conversations we have with Obsentum Club members or other callers may be recorded with prior notice to the caller.

    Recording calls helps us to manage our internal work in the relevant department and is also an essential means of evidence to prove matters discussed with Members/the person contacting us by telephone. These records may also be used to check how claims have been dealt with, or as evidence in the event of any disputes/disputes relating to the management of our business in relation to "Obsentum Club" members.

    Legal basis: agreement conclusion and execution for activities closely related to the contract (e.g. delivery, reimbursement of payments, return of product, discount, etc.) legitimate interest

    For the recording of the conversation - consent and legitimate interest if the recordings are subsequently necessary to defend our rights and interests in court, conduct disciplinary investigations of our employees, or are otherwise necessary in the management of our business with members.

    Sending commercial communications, invitations to participate in competitions, questionnaires or surveys

    We want to send you commercial communications (such as announcements about Campaigns and other promotional sweepstakes, offers, news on available products, etc.), to issue invitations to participate in surveys, or to respond to questionnaires, as well as to communicate other similar information that we believe may be of interest to you.

    These communications will be transmitted if we have your consent.

    You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time by pressing the "Unsubscribe" button in any e-mail communication or by filling in a form available in "Obsentum" stores

    If you withdraw your consent to commercial communications we will no longer be able to send you our offers or you will not be able to participate in our surveys and questionnaires.

    Legal basis: Your consent

    Participation in promotional lotteries organised by us

    You can participate in competitions and prize draws organised by us and our partners. We will enter you in competitions/promotions if you enter voluntarily or otherwise if we have your consent.

    If you withdraw your consent you will no longer be eligible to participate in our competitions/lotteries.

    Legal basis: Your consent
    Analysing your interaction with the Company in order to provide personalised offers and optimise our business

    We can carry out various reports, analyses and statistical studies on the marketing campaigns organised and their success, or on the sales activity of the Company.

    In certain situations, we may use information collected from you in combination with data we obtain from our sales and/or marketing teams about your interaction with the Company to use in the context of our marketing communications. We want to streamline our marketing activity by providing our customers with relevant and personalised products/services.

    We can carry out various reports, analyses and internal studies on marketing campaigns organised and their success, sales/processing activity.

    We may also conduct analyses of your interests and preferences resulting from the information we hold about you from your interaction with us.

    Legal basis: legitimate interest and consent (in the case of advanced marketing analysis)

    Your location when you are in our stores to send you personalised offers

    We can identify your presence in our stores based on the device with which you connect to the WIFI network. When you enter our stores and connect to the WIFI network, a code is generated which, with your consent, is assigned to the card you own. On your next visits to the store, using the same equipment to access the WIFI, we can identify you and thus have a history of your interaction with our products and send you, at that time, personalized offers

    Legal basis: your consent

    Accomplishment of legal obligations

    Sometimes, data processing is necessary to accomplish our legal obligations, such as: operations relating to the invoicing of purchased products; paying relevant taxes and contributions, reporting to the relevant tax authorities and keeping accounting records; publication of the names of winners and prizes awarded in prize competitions; archiving data in accordance with applicable law.

    Legal basis: performance of a legal obligation our legitimate interest in complying with legal requirements and retaining data to prove

    Defending rights and interests of the Company in judicial, administrative or similar proceedings

    The Company may also process your personal data for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim in court, administrative or other official proceedings in which the Company is involved.

    Legal basis: legitimate interest and protection of the rights and interests of the operator legal obligations to disclose data

  4. To whom do we disclose data?

    We can disclose personal data to:

    • the partners of the Company, i.e. marketing agents, including partners involved in organising our campaigns/contests and awarding prizes, notary publics/lawyers appointed to assist in organising and running prize competitions;
    • providers of services related to marketing activities - marketing agencies, companies providing e-mail marketing services;
    • software development service providers, i.e. the developer of Obsentum club customer management application;
    • accounting and auditing service providers;
    • courier service providers.

    We ensure, through contractual regulations, that these service providers process personal data in accordance with European data protection legislation to warrant a high level of protection.

    No further transfers of personal data to other recipients are made, unless we are so required by law.

  5. How long do we keep the data?

    We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to accomplish the purposes for which it was collected, subject to internal data retention procedures, including applicable archiving rules.

    In general, Members' data is kept as long as they have an active Obsentum card. If a Member is inactive for a period of more than 36 months, the Company may deactivate his/her card and delete the related personal data. Members can request deactivation of the card at any time. Certain personal client data may be retained for the full period required by law for the archiving and retention of financial and accounting records in accordance with our retention policy.

    Data processed by us may be retained for a longer period of time when they are subject to proceedings/investigations/litigations and it is necessary to retain them for the proper resolution of such situations or for our compliance with legal obligations requiring the retention of such data for longer periods of time.

  6. What rights do you have as a data subject?

    Under the law, you have the following rights as a data subject:

    • right of access - you can obtain from us confirmation that we are processing your personal data and information on the specifics of the processing (Article 15 GDPR);
    • the right to rectification - the right to request correction of inaccurate data or completion of incomplete data (Article 16 GDPR);
    • the right to erasure of data ("right to be forgotten") - the right to request erasure of personal data when: i) they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which we have collected and process them; ii) you have withdrawn your consent to the processing of the data and we can no longer process them on other legal grounds; iii) the data are processed unlawfully; iv) the data must be erased in accordance with the relevant legislation; where personal data have been made public, the transmission of information relating to the erasure request to other controllers (Article 17 GDPR);
    • the right to restriction of processing - the right to request restriction of processing in certain situations provided by the Regulation (Article 18 GDPR);
    • the right to data portability - to the extent that we process data by automated means, you can ask us, under the law, to provide your data in a structured, frequently used and machine-readable form to another controller, if technically possible (Article 20 GDPR);
    • the right to object - the right to object at any time to processing for marketing purposes, including profiling carried out for this purpose, as well as to processing based on the legitimate interest of the company, for reasons relating to your specific situation (Article 21 GDPR);
    • the right to withdraw consent - the right to withdraw at any time a consent given in order to stop a data processing based on your consent. Withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to withdrawal (Article 7 GDPR);
    • the right to lodge a complaint with the data processing supervisory authority if you consider that your rights have been violated, using the following data:
    National Authority for Personal Data Supervision in Romania

    Bd. G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30 Sector 1, postal code 010336 Bucharest, Romania

    [email protected]

    To exercise these rights or to find out more about how we process your personal data, please contact us using the following contact details:

    Data protection officer: Millenium ProDesign S.R.L.

    Address: Str. Str. Sulfinei no.3, Otopeni, Ilfov county

    Email: [email protected]