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Scented Candles vs Diffusers

By Cristina Dascălu, Brand Ambasador

March 1, 2024

Reading time: 4 min

There’s nothing quite like walking into a room that’s filled with a welcoming scent, it’s like being greeted by a familiar hug and a cup of tea. But when it comes to deciding whether to scent with candles or a diffuser, how could you make us choose? It’s like asking us to pick a favorite child – both have their unique charms and benefits. So instead, we’re looking at why candles and diffusers make a great addition to any room, leaving the ultimate (and difficult) task of choosing down to you.

Why a candle makes a great choice?

We challenge you to suggest a more welcoming scene than a room lit by twinkling candlelight, an instant atmosphere created by the gentle hue and flickering shadows cast by the flame. An instant ambience is set with candles, be it a special occasion marked out by a series of different-sized candles on a mantlepiece, small candles placed alongside fresh flowers for an intimate dinner party, or a bath lit by the low light of your favorite scented home candle after a long day. Dare we say it, a diffuser in these scenarios doesn’t quite cut it; when all you want to do is settle in and get cozy, a candle feels like a preferable partner.

There’s something meditative about the ritual of lighting a candle. It feels like you’re carving out time just for you, creating a moment or embarking on a valuable hour or two of self-care. With the burn into brightness, and release of scent, there is an instant impact that can make even the most mundane situation feel special. And why not? There really is a candle for every room and occasion. You just need a little extra know-how to get the most out of your candles light after light.

Why a diffuser makes a great choice?

While candles can offer the ‘wow’ moment, the diffuser is your constant, reliable best friend – a calming, steady presence that is always there. One of its winning traits is its enduring company; always emitting scent, rather than needing to be turned on, it can be left unattended to work in the background, quietly scenting your space flame-free.
With diffusers the placement possibilities are endless: they add a stylish touch in small spaces on shelves, coffee tables and window ledges, while also being beautifully functional. Setting up a diffuser is beyond simple, too – place all the reeds in your diffuser at once and fill your chosen room with a wonderfully welcoming scent.